About Us

About Us

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Nannies a family-based company, initially emerged after relocation back to the Midlands several years ago, a close friend had made some hemp brownies for a family BBQ. The objective was to induce some pain relief for ‘aching joints’… including hers as an alternative to daily doses of opiates.

Could we re-create these brownies at the correct dosage in order to offer mom some pain relief as her liver function was compromised by her over indulgence of opiates? Mom was popping them like sweets!
The thought process had started, hemp cakes for mom! (Nannie)

Around that time mom was diagnosed with vascular dementia so I took a break from teaching to care for her. As many may know this disease is debilitating and progressive; slowly ravaging a person’s body and mind.
We managed to source some good Hemp oil from Europe, which mom ingested most days and as a family we found that within six weeks’ mom became more relaxed, slept better and her ‘tardive dyskinesia’, reduced dramatically.

The irony is mom’s dependency on opiates and other pharmaceuticals were reduced, her liver function normalised over time.